L'actualité vue par les photographes de presse namurois 12 January - 11 February 2024

News seen by Namur press photographers

Every year for more than 30 years, the Retrospective of press photographers invites you to review in images, events and personalities who marked the past year in their field. At the invitation of the City, nine professional photographers will give their views on 2023 news: Jacques Duchateau, Bruno Fahy, Mathieu Golinvaux, Jean-Christophe Guillaume, Olivier Hoslet, Vincent Lorent, Florent Marot, Jean-Pol Sedran and John Thys .

Social conflicts or scenes of jubilation, crowd baths during folkloric festivities or mud baths during a summer festival… Among the hundreds of events and current affairs that they covered during the year, the photographers have selected photos that challenge, touch, move or make you smile. Those that tell a story or raise questions. This year again, numerous portraits will punctuate the retrospective. Political, cultural or social figures, crowned heads but also football stars will rub shoulders with numerous anonymous people encountered in Namur, in Belgium and almost everywhere in the world.


© Photo: Mathieu Golinvaux

Galerie du Beffroi, Rue du Beffroi, Namur, Belgique
