32nd edition of the heritage days 12 - 13 September 2020

The theme of the 32nd edition of the Heritage Days in Wallonia is Heritage & Nature. Parks, gardens, green and natural spaces. The event will take place on September 12 and 13, 2020.

Chosen by our new Minister of Heritage, Valérie De Bue, the theme will join, as it had already been the case in 2018, the tourism theme: Heritage & Nature. Parks, gardens, green and natural spaces.

In 2020, the files incorporating at least one of the following elements will be considered as part of the theme:

– remarkable trees (classified or not), which must be integrated into a circuit comprising at least one built heritage place (for example, the nail tree at Jurbise, remarkable trees associated with a potale or framing a chapel, drève d ‘access to a domain…);

– natural sites classified or listed in inventories (for example, the Dogs’ Fondry, the tomb of the Giant at Botassart);

– archaeological sites in the wild classified or listed in inventories (for example, the castle of Moha, the cave of Spy, the field of megaliths of Wéris…);

– heritage places classified or listed in inventories located in the wilderness (for example, the Saint-Thibaut hermitage in Marcourt …) (not a church in a village)

– public and private parks and gardens of castles, institutions, classified or listed in the inventories (Annevoie gardens, the park of the castle of Freÿr, the park of Enghien, the park of the castle of La Hulpe, the park from the town hall of Tournai, the Pater park in Soignies,);

– public or private parks and gardens not classified or not included in the inventories but which are attached to the built heritage which is classified or included in the inventories (for example, the park of the former Gembloux abbey, gardens of the Abbey of Marche-les-Dames…)

– landscaped areas (generic term) or natural sites, not included in IPIC / inventories / classified, which contain heritage classified or listed in inventories (for example, Balmoral hill in Spa, wooded cemeteries);

– parks, gardens and landscaped areas or natural sites, not included in IPIC / inventories / classified, on the immediate edge (direct contact) of a classified heritage place or in inventories (for example, part of the hillsides of the citadel of Liège.

Rue de Fer 75, 5000 Namur, Belgique
