Master Hands 14 May - 8 September 2024


With its multitude of private houses from the 17th and 18th centuries, its array of mansions and its variety of religious buildings, Namur is a Baroque city. The Namur urban environment is rich in several sculptures which often even serve as a highlight in the structuring of their spaces.

Who doesn’t know the famous Place de l’Ange which takes its name from the old pump, or that of the Vegetable Market, two creations by the sculptor François-Joseph Denis?

And who has never looked up at one or other of these numerous sculpted signs which we almost forget were used to designate houses long before continuous numbering?

But alongside these works displayed in the open air, there is a whole lesser-known heritage. It is the one found mainly in churches. What could be more natural then than to organize a major exhibition on baroque and rococo sculpture in Namur, within the museum center but also beyond, through a tour of several religious buildings in the city center, in order to (re )discover this heritage? Over the two centuries covered by Baroque and Rococo art, around seventy names of sculptors have been identified. The exhibition “Des Mains de Maîtres” invites you to discover a sample of the most talented artists.

Musée des Arts décoratifs de Namur - Hôtel de Groesbeeck - de Croix, Rue Joseph Saintraint, Namur, Belgique
