The Heist of the Year 9 May 2025


Show: with Booder
Caterina Khéroul is a renowned burglar, sought after by police forces the world over. Her latest ‘big job’ has, as usual, been meticulously planned down to the last detail… This time she has come to recover a priceless historical jewel from the house of a PSG star player, while he is in the middle of a match.
There’s just one big surprise: on the same evening and at the same time, Sam, a small-time burglar with no real talent, has also decided to attack the house!
So there’s one thief too many in the Marne-la-Coquette villa, NOT TOGETHER WITH THE NEWCOMERS!
Unless, of course, they are ALL forced to join forces, much to our delight.

Théâtre de Namur, Place du Théâtre, Namur, Belgique