This is the second show in the programme by Adrie de Biasi aka Drag Couenne, to whom we’ve been excited and confident to invite to programme some of our favourite queer artists. We discovered ‘Chauv.e’ at the start of the season, and now it’s time for ‘Playback’, a powerful show at the crossroads of norms and genres.
It pokes fun at normality, reclaims what makes us magical, and dreams of a gentler future.
‘Playback’ is a full-bodied mix of creatures, drag kings and drag queens. You’ll discover stories as beautiful as they are authentic, as intense as they are ridiculous, as glittery as they are politicised, and share an evening in the wonderful world of Drag Couenne, Mama Tituba, Sugar Love, @Zac and Blanket la Goulue.
Théâtre Jardin Passion, Rue Marie-Henriette, Namur, Belgique