Folklore - Les Echasseurs (The Waders)

Their spectacular battles have delighted Emperors and Kings: Charles V, Louis XIV, Peter the Great of Russia, Napoleon… all witnessed the wading battle by the Waders of Namur

Nowadays, the two teams are still organising battles and participate in many events and processions in Namur, Belgium and worldwide.

Rue Saint-Jacques 22-32, 5000 Namur, Belgique

See also

Le huis clos - Escapes Games éphémères
Folklore - Les Alfers namurois
Provincial Museum of the Ancient Arts of Namur – Treasure of Oignies (TreM.a)
Les Cup’Inn
Maison des Desserts
Architectural Heritage - Hôtel Gaiffier d’Hestroy
Folklore - La Royale Moncrabeau / Les Molons
Walks from station to station