Military Heritage - The Citadel of Namur

This site and its fortifications are listed and recognised as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia. They illustrate several centuries of occupation and military architecture from the Middle Ages to the 20th century.

Check out the Visitors’ Centre!

Situated in the ancient barracks of Terra Nova, the Visitors’ Centre retraces the history of an exceptional site along with the history of the city it overlooks.

In a dynamic and educational setting, 2000 years of European urban and military history are presented alongside the history of Namur and its Citadel, offering a reflection on the societies of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The Visitors’ Centre is a must-see before embarking on your journey to the fortified location and discovering Namur.

Route Merveilleuse 64, 5000 Namur, Belgique


See also

Made In Namur
The Citadel of Namur
The Great Underground Passages of the Citadel of Namur